The Evos Burner

How to burn?
A window will be open to burn your Evo(s)
There will be a max burn per window which will be equivalent to next Project's total supply
Type the ID of the Evo you want to burn
You will have to approve two transactions: one to approve the contract and a second one to actually burn the Evo
Evos will be burnt 1 by 1, so no batch burning will be allowed
If you don't hold an Evo, you can buy them in Opensea here
Only the Evos burnt through this website will qualify to secure a WL/AL spot
Why burn?
Burning an Evo will secure a Whitelist (WL) / Allowlist (AL) for the next drop
WL/AL spots will have a reduced mint price and limited to allocated supply
Public minting will only be allowed if total supply is not reached through the Evo burner
Open burning window!
Project: Caravan Carnival (link)
Project Supply: 250
Max burning: 200 Evos
WL/AL Mint Price: 0.0333 ETH
Public Mint Price: 0.0666 ETH
Burning open date: 3rd Dec 2022 (TBA!)
Burning close date: 11th Dec 2022 (10pm CET)